Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Trips and Projects

Our first field trip this year will be on Saturday, September 21, 2013, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Please put this date on your calendar. You can print and fill out the sign up sheet here and we will also be sending it to you in the mail. We need to be signed up for the event before our first meeting so, please let us know if your daughter will be going. Also let us know if you will be able to drive. This is NOT a Girl Scout only event, but all children attending this event must be 7+ in age, so no underage tag-a-longs please (all of age siblings are welcome to sign up). 

We will be participating in Misfit University Million Misfit Sock March on October 25. Please check out the link and be looking for the perfect pair of misfit socks. Hope you have a great last week of summer break.

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