Friday, August 30, 2013


Did you know that you can check out what Girl Scout Events are available to your girl in our area? Check out Focalpoint at the Girl Scout website. Our troop does not have to participate for your daughter to. Most of these events can be paid for with cookie dough that your daughter got for selling cookies. Let me know if you need help registering for an event or if you are going and would like to offer to take other girls from our troop along.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Important Dates

Thanks to everyone who attended the planning meeting tonight. Here are a few updates:

-Girls will not need to bring dues to each meeting this year.
-Parents can sign up to bring snack on one meeting night. Snacks will be served at the END of each meeting instead of at the beginning.
-As a long-term service project, we will collect items to be donated to PeachCenter Ministries. Each month, we will collect items from a specific category.

Important Dates:

September (PeachCenter Ministries category = peanut butter)
12 - First Meeting! Welcome back!
21 - Pioneer Day (If you haven't registered and you want to attend, Kelly must have your form and payment no later than Monday!)
26 - Regular Meeting

October (PCM category = socks)
5 - Skate Day (Bring a matching pair of socks. You'll trade one so that you go home with mismatched socks.)
10 - Regular Meeting
25/26 - Camping Trip

November (PCM category = non-perishable Thanksgiving foods, such as canned pumpkin, stuffing, etc.)
7 - Regular Meeting
21 - Regular Meeting

December (PCM category = toys/children's books)
5 - Regular Meeting
19 - Christmas Party

January (PCM category = toiletries)
9 - Regular Meeting
23 - Regular Meeting

February (PCM category = canned soup)
13 - Valentine's Day Party (Bring Valentines to trade.)
27 - Regular Meeting

March (PCM category = canned fruit)
13 - Regular Meeting
27 - Regular Meeting

April (PCM category = canned meat such as chicken, tuna)
10 - Regular Meeting
24 - Regular Meeting

May (PCM category = canned vegetables)
8 - Regular Meeting
22 - Regular Meeting/Last Meeting of School Year

26/27/28 - End of Year Trip

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Fall Camp (Out or In)

I am excited to tell you that we have begun to plan our first overnight trip for the year. Right now I want you to have the dates so that your daughter is able to come. Please mark your calendars for October 25 and 26. More information to come. This will be a special time for all of the troops in our service unit so the girls will have opportunity to meet other girls from our area.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Trips and Projects

Our first field trip this year will be on Saturday, September 21, 2013, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Please put this date on your calendar. You can print and fill out the sign up sheet here and we will also be sending it to you in the mail. We need to be signed up for the event before our first meeting so, please let us know if your daughter will be going. Also let us know if you will be able to drive. This is NOT a Girl Scout only event, but all children attending this event must be 7+ in age, so no underage tag-a-longs please (all of age siblings are welcome to sign up). 

We will be participating in Misfit University Million Misfit Sock March on October 25. Please check out the link and be looking for the perfect pair of misfit socks. Hope you have a great last week of summer break.

2013 Scout year

Courtney, Linda and I have been putting our heads together and have come up with a scout year full of fun. We hope that your girls are all excited and ready for the adventure. Please note that our first meeting will be on September 12 at 6:00.  We will need you to drop in and fill out your daughters registration forms. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I am starting this blog in an effort to stay connected with all of the girls in troop 2669. I will be putting up information here for troop meetings, extra activities, fundraisers and the like. I hope that this becomes a great tool for all of the parents of our troop.